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Critter Cam


We've captured some of the critters who live at Pacama by placing motion-detection cameras up on a few trees. Check out the short videos below and you'll see that the Pacama is indeed a rich wildlife thoroughfare and well-worth the effort we all went through to preserve this land.









            Found in an owl pellet - probably a mouse or chipmunk

Current Critter List
That's a big bear!
Bear in the a.m.
Coyote with bum leg
Porcupine Peeing and Scratching
Coyote and Wood Thrush
First Cub of Spring 2023
Happy Fisher
Spring 2023 Bobcat
My Antlers Just Fell Off
  • Black Bear

  • Bobcat

  • Grey Fox

  • Coyote

  • Fisher Cat

  • Otter

  • Porcupine

  • Skunk

  • Turkey

  • Deer

  • Squirrel

  • Barred Owl

  • Red-Shouldered Hawk

  • Nightingale

  • Magnolia Warbler

  • Eastern Wood PeeWee

  • Swamp Sparrow

  • Red-eyed Vireo

  • Oven Bird

  • Oriole

  • Rose Breasted Grosbeak

  • Song Sparrow

  • Yellow Rumped Warbler

  • Blackburnian Warbler

  • Warbling Vireo

  • ​Common Yellowthroat

  • Least Flycatcher

  • Cedar Waxwing

  • Yellow Warbler

  • Great Crested Flycatcher

  • American Redstart

  • Chipping Sparrow

  • Baltimore Oriole

  • Yellow-throated Vireo

  • Veery

  • Blue-grey Gnatcatcher

  • Louisiana Waterthrush

  • Indigo Bunting

  • Brown Creeper

  • Northern Parula

  • Green Heron

  • Kentucky Warbler

  • Black and White Warbler

  • Wood Turtle - an endangered species. Fun fact: wood turtles are accomplished "worm stompers"; turtles stomp the ground with their front feet or the front of their shell, which can cause earthworms to move to the surface - then they eat em!

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